如何安装和设置Windows Home Server
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Have you ever wanted to be able to access all of your important files, music, photos, and more from all computers in your home from one central server? Today we’ll take a look at Windows Home Server and show you how to install and configure it with other machines on your network.

您是否曾经想过能够通过一台中央服务器从家里的所有计算机访问所有重要文件,音乐,照片以及更多内容? 今天,我们将看一下Windows Home Server,并向您展示如何与网络上的其他计算机一起安装和配置Windows Home Server。

Windows Home Server (WHS) is meant for your family needs or for use in a home or small office. It allows you to centralize your important documents and digital media files on one box and provides easy access from other machines on your network. It has the ability to backup 10 computers and restore them if needed. It acts as a media server, backup solution, data recovery, document management, and allows you to access what you need from anywhere there is a web connection. Using a personalized website address, it lets you securely download and upload your data files.      

Windows Home Server(WHS)是为满足您的家庭需要或在家庭或小型办公室中使用而设计的。 它使您可以将重要的文档和数字媒体文件集中在一个盒子上,并可以轻松地从网络上的其他计算机进行访问。 它具有备份10台计算机并根据需要还原它们的能力。 它充当媒体服务器,备份解决方案,数据恢复,文档管理,并允许您从具有Web连接的任何位置访问所需内容。 使用个性化的网站地址,您可以安全地下载和上传数据文件。

You can buy server machines that already have WHS installed on it, or you can create your own (which is a lot more geeky and fun). The cool thing is that you can repurpose an older desktop to run Windows Home Server. A machine with a 1GHz Pentium III, 512MB of RAM, and an 80GB Hard Drive will work as the minimum requirements, but as you know minimum and recommended requirements are completely different things. You can check out the minimum and recommended system requirements from Microsoft’s WHS PDF guide (link below).

您可以购买已经安装了WHS的服务器计算机,也可以创建自己的服务器计算机(这更加令人讨厌和有趣)。 很棒的事情是,您可以将旧的桌面重新用于运行Windows Home Server。 最低要求是一台配备1GHz Pentium III,512MB RAM和80GB硬盘的计算机,但是众所周知,最低要求和建议要求完全不同。 您可以从Microsoft的WHS PDF指南(下面的链接)中查看最低和推荐的系统要求

Start the Installation


Installation is very straight forward and easy to do. Boot from the WHS installation disc and kick off the install wizard.

安装非常简单,易于执行。 从WHS安装光盘启动,然后启动安装向导。

1 whs

Select your region and keyboard settings…


2 whs

Now choose the drive(s) that are in the machine. In this case there is only one, but if you have multiple drives, make sure they’re listed. If you want to add additional drives at a later time, it’s a simple process that we will cover in a future post.

现在选择计算机中的驱动器。 在这种情况下,只有一个,但是如果您有多个驱动器,请确保列出了它们。 如果您想在以后添加其他驱动器,这是一个简单的过程,我们将在以后的文章中介绍。

3 whs

Select New Installation…



Accept the Microsoft EULA…

接受Microsoft EULA…


Enter in your Windows Home Server Product Key…

输入您的Windows Home Server产品密钥…


Next it’s time to give your new Home Sever a name…

接下来是时候给您的新Home Sever起个名字了……


Again verify the hard drives that will be formatted…



It’s going to ask you again to make sure all the data will be deleted from the drives…



Finally it’s time to kick off the installation process. The amount of time it takes to complete will vary between systems. Count on the entire process taking a minimum of one hour and perhaps longer.

最后,是时候开始安装过程了。 完成所需的时间因系统而异。 指望整个过程至少花费一个小时甚至更长的时间。


There is nothing needed from you while the install takes place. The system will reboot several times and you’ll see different screens displayed while the process completes…

在安装过程中,您不需要任何东西。 系统将重新启动几次,过程完成后您会看到不同的屏幕显示…


Finish Installation


When you get to the following Welcome screen, you’re almost done.



Type in a password and password hint for the server.



Decide if you want to set up automatic updates or not…



Choose if you want to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program or not…

选择是否要加入“客户体验改善计划” ...


Choose if you want to turn on automatic Windows Error Reporting…



That’s all there is to it.  You don’t need to leave a keyboard, monitor, or mouse to the server. The only thing you needs to be connected is an Ethernet Cable running to your router (Wireless isn’t supported). You can administer the machine from any computer on your network after installing Windows Home Server Connector on the other machines.

这里的所有都是它的。 您无需将键盘,显示器或鼠标留在服务器上。 您唯一需要连接的是连接到路由器的以太网电缆(不支持无线)。 在其他计算机上安装Windows Home Server连接器后,可以从网络上的任何计算机管理该计算机。


Windows Home Server Console

Windows Home Server控制台

To connect the computers on your network to the server, you’ll need to install the Windows Home Server Connector which is available as a separate download. You’ll need to install the WHS Connector to every computer on your network that you want to connect with the server. It connects your computers to WHS, allows for automatic nightly backups, monitors computer network health, and enables you to remotely administer the server from your computer.

要将网络上的计算机连接到服务器,您需要安装Windows Home Server连接器,该连接器可以单独下载。 您需要将WHS连接器安装到网络上要与服务器连接的每台计算机上。 它可以将您的计算机连接到WHS,允许进行自动夜间备份,监视计算机网络的运行状况,并使您可以从计算机远程管理服务器。

If you don’t want to waste a CD to install it, you can use a free program like and mount the ISO and transfer the files to a a flash drive.


1 conxp

Before installing the connector on XP you’ll be required to install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and it’ll guide you through the process if needed.

在XP上安装连接器之前,需要先安装Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0,如果需要,它将指导您完成整个过程。

3 conxp

When you start WHS Connector Setup it will look for the Home Server…

当您启动WHS Connector安装程序时,它将寻找Home Server…

1 con

Then it’s just a matter of working through the rest of the wizard.


2 con

During the process you’ll need to enter in the password you created for the server.


5 con

Decide if you want your computer to wake up if it’s in sleep mode to back it up…


6 con

When configuration is complete, we’re shown our settings — wake up the computer for backup between 12:00 and 6:00 AM. Also in this instance, we’re getting a message that one of the drives in the PC won’t be backed up. This is because it’s formatted as a FAT 32 volume and it will only backup drives formatted as NTFS.

配置完成后,将显示我们的设置-在12:00和6:00 AM之间唤醒计算机以进行备份。 同样在这种情况下,我们收到一条消息,指出PC中的一个驱动器不会被备份。 这是因为它的格式为FAT 32卷,并且仅备份格式为NTFS的驱动器。

8 con

The Home Server Console icon sits in the system tray and you can control some of it’s settings by right-clicking the icon.

Home Server Console图标位于系统托盘中,您可以通过右键单击该图标来控制其某些设置。

9 con

It will display your network’s health and show security warnings (this feature can be easily turned off). In this instance we can see one of the machines on the network has its firewall turned off.

它将显示网络的健康状况并显示安全警告(可以轻松关闭此功能)。 在这种情况下,我们可以看到网络中的一台计算机关闭了防火墙。

13 con

When you open up WHS Console, you’re prompted to log into the server. There are a few other features here to like having the password remembered, password hint, and resetting the console.

打开WHS控制台时,系统将提示您登录服务器。 这里还有一些其他功能,例如记住密码,提示密码以及重置控制台。


Once you’re signed in, you can configure and administer the server and its different functions. We’ll be taking a closer look at the WHS Console in future articles.

登录后,您可以配置和管理服务器及其不同功能。 在以后的文章中,我们将仔细研究WHS控制台。

14 con

If you need to make more detailed changes to your server, another good option is to , which is easier than hooking up a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to it.

如果您需要对服务器进行更详细的更改,另一个不错的选择是 ,这比将显示器,键盘和鼠标挂接到服务器上要容易得多。

15 con

Download Updates


Now that installation is complete we need to add all the of the latest updates from Microsoft. Click on Start \ All Programs then Windows Updates. This will provide you with the latest server security updates and Power Pack updates as well. Power Packs are updates that add new features and provide fixes to known issues for Windows Home Server.

现在安装已完成,我们需要添加Microsoft的所有最新更新。 单击“开始\所有程序”,然后单击“ Windows Updates”。 这还将为您提供最新的服务器安全更新和Power Pack更新。 Power Pack是更新,添加了新功能,并提供了Windows Home Server已知问题的修复程序。

1 update



This guide should get you started using your new Home Server. It comes in handy in a lot of cool ways if you want to centralize your digital entertainment and access it from any machine running XP or above. Or if you have a home or small office and want to be able to access your work from anywhere there is a web connection. There are several good reasons to have your own server at home, if you’re a power user. Over the next year we will be bringing you more detailed tutorials on how to set up and use your Home Server. If you happen to have an extra desktop you’re not using and can dedicate as a server, they offer a free 30 Day trial so you can try it out for yourself. If you like it, you can purchase a full license and I have seen it around the web for around $99 or a little cheaper depending on where you look. 

本指南将帮助您开始使用新的Home Server。 如果您想集中数字娱乐并从运行XP或更高版本的任何计算机上访问数字娱乐,它会以许多很酷的方式派上用场。 或者,如果您有家庭或小型办公室,并且希望能够从任何有网络连接的地方访问您的工作。 如果您是高级用户,有几个充分的理由在家中拥有自己的服务器。 明年,我们将为您带来有关如何设置和使用家庭服务器的更详细的教程。 如果您碰巧有一个多余的桌面正在使用并且可以用作服务器,那么他们会提供30天的免费试用期,您可以自己尝试一下。 如果您喜欢它,则可以购买完整的许可证,而我在网上看到的价格约为99美元,或者视您所处的位置而便宜一些。



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